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Saturday, September 26, 2015

Code Playgrounds

Hero Slider

Hero Slider

A full-width, responsive and easy to customize slideshow

Full-Screen Pop-Out Navigation

Full-Screen Pop-Out Navigation

Here is a fixed menu that drives users' attention to a couple of call-to-action buttons first, then let them explore the full-screen navigation.


Vertical Fixed Navigation

A side navigation which allows users to easily browse the page, selecting one of its sections and smoothly scrolling to it. It doesn't necessarily replace the main website navigation, but comes in handy for pages packed with content.

Product Preview Slider

Product Preview Slider

An easy way to show more product images and variations right in the product gallery

Full Page Intro & Navigation

Full Page Intro & Navigation

Today's resource is an intro page, focused around a full width background image and a bold animated menu. And, for browsers that support it, a nice iOS-like blurred effect behind the navigation.

Animated Sign Up Flow

Animated Sign Up Flow

A pricing table that animates into a sign up form once the user selects a plan

Product Tour 

Product Tour

A responsive tour snippet, with a step-by-step guide to help users understand how to use your website.

Responsive Vertical Timeline

Responsive Vertical Timeline

Today's resource is an easy to customize, responsive timeline. We used some CSS3 tricks and a bit of jQuery to create some bounce animations that affect desktop users only, while on mobile the structure is more minimal.

Login/Signup Modal Window

Login/Signup Modal Window

This modal window allows users to login/signup into your website. Once opened, the user can easily switch from one form to the other, or select the reset password option


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